Please visit our online catalogue for more information on comics and co-creators (inkers, pencil work, editors, colourists, and more!) ?
- The Madame Paul Affair by Julie Doucet
- One! Hundred! Demons! by Lynda Barry
- Today is the Last Day of the Rest of Your Life by Ulli Lust
- Fetch by Nicole J. Georges
- Mom’s Cancer by Brian Fies
- French Milk by Lucy Knisley
- The Complete Persepolis by Marjane Satrapi
- The Hookah Girl and Other True Stories by Marguerite Dabaie
- Barefoot Gen by Keiji Nakazawa
- Maus l A Survivor’s Story by Art Spiegelman
- Present by Leslie Stein
- Paul Moves Out by Michel Rabagliati
- Little Nothings 1 The Curse of the Umbrella by Lewis Trondheim
- When I’m Old and Other Stories by Gabrielle Bell
- Breakdowns by Art Spiegelman
- Maus ll And Here My Troubles Began by Art Spiegelman
- Journalism by Joe Sacco
- Regards from Serbia by Aleksandar Zograf
- Threads by Kate Evans
- Strange Fruit: Uncelebrated Narratives from Black History by Joel Christian Gill
- Heretics by Steven Nadler and Ben Nadler
- Voices in the Dark by Marcel Beyer and Ulli Lust
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