

Panel on Storytelling is up!

Have a look at this great discussion that covers a lot— from why comics are an accessible and unique medium for storytelling to how to make comics more diverse through representation both on and behind the page. Also, some great anecdotes and conversation on the creative process, formal features like gutters and time in comics, retelling histories, and the challenges of creating comics! Panel moderated by Dr. Brooke Winterstein. Panelists include: Ryan North, Jason Loo, Georgia Webber, Stephanie Cooke, Ardo…

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Assigned Male by Sophie LaBelle

Queer Canadian Webcomics

Hello comics community! Although it is no longer Pride month, any time is a good time to celebrate the accomplishments of the LGBTQ+ community to Canadian society, while acknowledging the challenges and strides they have gone through as a community. The arts and creative industry serve as a good example of the LGBTQ+ contribution to Canada. A medium like webcomics, where there are no networks or corporate editors limiting creative content, allows for more queer content than what may be…

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Our crowdfunding campaign is live!

The Canada Comics Open Library needs your help to be able to open our doors to the public for our first library branch in Toronto! We want to make our comics collection publicly accessible, and we need your help to be able to work with and support creators and offer a cozy and vibrant space. Our comics collection includes over 500 titles and continues to grow. Check out our online catalogue! The comics library will be the first of its…

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Over 500 comics!

We are very excited to announce that we now have over 500 comics in the collection! Here are a few recently added titles, all available at our upcoming launch event this Saturday 11-4 at The519! Many of these were donations, so thank you for sharing your comics! Click on the cover images for descriptions, or visit our online catalogue for more info on comics!  

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Statement against resolution R4. We stand for diversity and supporting trans and queer stories and communities

The Canada Comics Open Library strongly denounces resolution R4. For those who haven’t heard, at the Ontario PC Convention this past Saturday, there was a resolution calling for the removal of gender identity from Ontario schools. It was approved for further discussion. Policy Resolution R4 describes gender identity theory as a “highly controversial, unscientific ‘liberal ideology’”; it calls on the Ford government to remove the teaching and promotion of it in schools. This is not okay. This should not be…

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Ojitos Borrosos by Ines Estrada

New comics! Recently catalogued!

??? Comics included here will be available at our upcoming launch event (in the company of many others)! Visit our pop-up library on November 24th and you can cozy up with a comic all afternoon. ? Please visit our online catalogue for more information on comics and co-creators! Click on the cover photos for individual summaries.

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Website created and maintained by Rotem Diamant

Technical development & consultation by Brandon Haworth.

CCOL logo designed by Scott A. Ford.


Toronto Branch
Canada Comics Open Library
267 College St 2nd Floor
Toronto, ON
M5T 1R6

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