Hello comics community! Although it is no longer Pride month, any time is a good time to celebrate the accomplishments of the LGBTQ+ community to Canadian society, while acknowledging the challenges and strides they have gone through as a community. The arts and creative industry serve as a good example of the LGBTQ+ contribution to Canada. A medium like webcomics, where there are no networks or corporate editors limiting creative content, allows for more queer content than what may be found in mainstream comics. So without further ado, here are a few Canadian comics to read any time. See anything missing? Please let us know and we will add it to the post!

Intercosmic created by Kristina Luu: https://www.intercosmic.space/

“In a universe governed by elemental magic, two fledgling demigods are tasked with the most challenging mission in all the cosmos: to babysit a lost teenage human girl and find her missing family! Intercosmic is an all-ages future-fantasy space webcomic featuring an LGBTQ+ cast! It’s all about adventure, love, and found families in even the furthest and coldest reaches of space. At the moment, Intercosmic updates with a new chapter portion once a month and is free to read online. Intercosmic began as a passion project in the summer of 2017 and continues to update every month online.” (https://www.kristinaluu.com/comics/)

Full Circle by Christianne Goudreau and Taneka Stotts, coloured by Genue Revuelta: http://www.fullcirclecomic.com/

“Join Elsa and Rhadi on their adventure through the world of Ves. A bi-weekly Sunday comic for all-ages to enjoy.” A free all-ages fantasy LGBTQ+ webcomic (http://fullcirclecomic.tumblr.com/aboutus)

Robot Hugs by RH: http://www.robot-hugs.com/

“Robot Hugs is a webcomic updated on Tuesdays and Thursdays, or thereabouts. It is about a lot of things, but you can expect to see a lot of cats, a bunch of identity, gender, and sexuality discussions, and explorations of depression and mental illness, especially in the winter. Robot Hugs may include occasional cartoon depictions of nudity and discussion of sexuality – NSFW comics are generally labelled as such.” (http://www.robot-hugs.com/about/)

Boundary by Emily Cowan: http://boundarycomic.com/post/98861263408

“BOUNDARY is a story about Paige Tsu; a fifteen-year-old misanthrope living on the northernmost point of Boundary Road – exactly halfway between a large, glitzy city and it’s smaller suburban offshoot. Paige Just wants to get through; finish school, move away and grow up so her life can change.  This particular year, grade ten, seems to be taking even longer than usual; it’s frustrating, monotonous, nothing ever happens!  Then suddenly, an unexpected teacher’s strike hits everyone unawares and drags the already slow-moving school year to a grinding halt. With no sign of the strike letting up, Paige and her friends Trix and Trevor set out to have as many wacky adventures with their new-found free time as possible.  Real life is rarely like fiction however, and as the weeks progress Paige becomes more and more frustrated with the repetition and sameness of all their weary, suburban adventures.” (http://boundarycomic.com/about)

Sprak webcomics: https://sprakcomic.com/

Short everyday comics, including autobiographical comics; gag, humour, biography

Ghost Junk Sickness, created by Cartridge, a collaboration of two sisters based out of Ontario: http://www.ghostjunksickness.com/about

Ghost Junk Sickness is a scifi LGBTQ+ comic about two hunters with an unstable dynamic that are forced into pursuing the deadly and elusive bounty “the Ghost”. Updates on Mondays and Fridays!

Geist! by L.S. Zwarenstein: http://www.geistcomic.com/archives/comic/geist-chapter-one-2

“After weeks in hospital, Kate Crowley returns to school scarred, cursed and looking for revenge.  But it won’t be easy: her targets are the untouchable Geistlords, influential students with the power to control the invisible monsters known as Geists. Worse, her cursed eye is making her hallucinate.  And her only ally is her former best friend, who hates her almost as much as he hates the Geistlords. To get her revenge – and, maybe, win back her friend – she’ll have to use her curse to discover the truth about Geists…if it doesn’t drive her insane first. Geist! is an ongoing online comic, updated every Thursday.  It’s written and drawn by L.S. Zwarenstein – or, as I like to call her, me. Geist! is a graphic novel-style comic, with one overarching plot and (eventually) an ending.  It’s hand-drawn, inked, and painted with watercolour.” (http://www.geistcomic.com/about)


Short comics by Emily Carroll: http://www.emcarroll.com/

Feminist horror, psychological horror, ghost stories, dream journals, fairy tales, fantasies, and more!

Comics by G.C. Houle: https://gchoule.com/

“G.C. Houle (they/them) is a french-canadian comic artist currently residing in Halifax, Nova Scotia. G.C. loves telling funny, feelgood stories about queer people, in every sense of the word queer. They approach all projects with enthusiasm and cheer, and are an active member of both the LGBTQ and comics communities. This page contains explicit sexual material that is not suitable for minors” (https://gchoule.com/about/)

Eth’s Skin written and drawn by Sfé M. – inks by Kory Bing: http://www.eths-skin.com/archive

“Eth’s Skin is a comic about a fisher named Eth living on the edge of a ragged ocean. It’s a story set in a slightly different British Columbia, where raft cities called townships make up the bulk of civilization, and selkies and sea monsters swim through kelp forests and avoid strange masked land-dwellers called Beachwalkers.Under a sickle moon on an empty stone beach Eth mistakes a selkie skin for their own, and ends up having to make a journey to a distant cove in order to put things right.  It’s a queer (and genderqueer) fantasy full of monsters and low tides, cool non-binary individuals, queer relationships, and a pet pygmy harbour seal named Goblin.” (http://www.eths-skin.com/about).

Kyle & Atticus is written and drawn by Sfé M.: http://kyleandatticus.tumblr.com/post/15310576904

A (gender)queer comics about a kid named Kyle and a robot named Atticus. (http://kyleandatticus.tumblr.com/post/15310576904)

Seven Stories from the Sea by Sfé M: http://www.sfemonster.com/comics/sevenstories/1b.html

Growing up, coming out, and falling in love in Eastern Canada. (http://www.sfemonster.com/sevenstories.html_)

Short stories by Victor Martins: https://www.vicomart.com/comics/

Image from Stay; “By the stars, I’m in so much trouble.” — A short comic about being an alien and in love! (2018) (https://www.vicomart.com/comics/)

Short Comics by Jasmine Schuett: https://jasmineschuett.carbonmade.com/projects/5551107

“10 short comics about girls going on dates. Nice dates, bad dates, first dates, last dates.” (https://jasmineschuett.carbonmade.com/projects/5551107)

Meat & Bone by Kat Verhoeven: https://meatandbonecomic.tumblr.com/

“MEAT & BONE is a queer slice of life drama about dating and eating! Three room mates and a scaredy cat, the restaurants they frequent and the friends they have there. Anne suffers through an unknown eating disorder and crippling body issues, Gwen walks the fine line between polyamory and lying, and Jane is drowning her sorrows with pounds and pounds of free weights. Contains mild nudity, sexual themes, some swearing, and a lot of angst. TW for anorexia.” (http://meatandbonecomic.com/)

Nulimbo written and illustrated by Malin Rozon: https://www.nulimbo.com/comic/prologue/0-01/

“Nulimbo s a philosophical post-apocalyptic fantasy comic written and illustrated by Malin Rozon. It began on October 19th, 2018, and is available to read for free online here. is impossible to pronounce, but if you call it “nulimbo” we’ll know what you mean.” (https://www.nulimbo.com/info/)

Short comics by Vincy Lim can be found here:https://vincylim.format.com/c-omics

“Vincy Lim is a Chinese-Canadian illustrator currently studying at OCADU. Their queer and disabled identity is highly influential in their art practice, from stylization, to subject matter. “their zine/comic art (and future illustrations!) reflects on humanizing disabilities and creating an understanding around abuse. In addition to supporting survivors through shared experiences, and telling them the importance, and fact, of healing.” (https://vincylim.format.com/about)

Short comics and samples of longer work by Morgan Sea: https://morgansea.wordpress.com/category/comics/

Star Trip by Gisele Jobateh: http://www.startripcomic.com/

“Jas is fed up with living on earth and makes a deal with a stranded alien to get off the planet and into the galaxy on an adventure. But she learns that space travel and adventuring is not like what’s in her favourite sci-fi stories.” (http://www.startripcomic.com/about)

Novae by KaiJu: https://www.novaecomic.com/

“Novae is a historical romance with a touch of the paranormal and a dash of astronomy. It chronicles the adventures of Sulvain, a sweet tempered necromancer and Raziol, a passionate 17th century astronomer. A connection forms between them and their relationship blooms, but when the body of a fellow astronomer is found on the steps of the Academy of Sciences, their lives are entangled in ways they could never foresee.” (https://www.smackjeeves.com/comicprofile.php?id=167580)

No Refund by Freja Gray: http://norefund.thecomicseries.com/

Horror, action, and comedy (mature content)

BadMouth by J.Kiakas and Tasha Mukanik (colourist): http://badmouth.jkiakas.com/wp/

“BadMouth is a long-form webcomic about the weird life of a woman named Pippin who is seeking to become a God.” J. Kiakas is also the author of Prism Knights and VVV Trilogy.

The Queen Candidate by Zoe Maxine: http://queencandidate.zoemaxine.com/0001.html

“The Queen Candidate is a webcomic drawn by Zoe Maxine. It is a story of how history repeats itself, war, alien politics, and coming of age. Euffae is a Candidate, in line for rulership of her people, the Penn. But she has a problem: her planet is currently embroiled in a war and some of her fellow Candidates have already been killed. Needing to get to the capital in time for the election she was raised to participate in, Euffae gets an offer of a ride home from an unlikely source. Tensions might be high, but the enemy of her enemy may be the best way to get home safely. If they can get along long enough to reach it. Loosely rated pg-14.” (http://queencandidate.zoemaxine.com/about.html)

The Sunless Children by Lorsenal:  https://tapas.io/series/Thesunlesschildren

“It contains lesbians and they are butch. they aint yaoi bois. The Damastesien army, enslaving and pillaging, sweeps the continent in search of their runaway queen. Gambler and thief Mephena Sibiclair travels alone, terrified of capture. The thief meets a rude elf with a heart of gold who is looking for a girl. Together they flee the Damastesi Empire.” (https://tapas.io/series/Thesunlesschildren)

A Broken Winter by Kale Night and Archie the RedCat: www.abrokenwinter.com

“A Broken Winter is a dark science fiction webcomic with LGBTQ+ characters. General Auryn Tyrus runs a government slaughterhouse, overseeing the covert execution of political dissidents – victims of an Emperor with a weakening grip on reality. When the son of his former lover is sentenced to death, Auryn intervenes, turning his life upside down.” (http://www.abrokenwinter.com/index.html)

Doc and Raider by Sean Martin: docandraider.com

“From its inception, Doc and Raider has been one of those strips that defies easy category. It’s a realistic love story, a political commentary, a social satire, and a musical vaudeville all at the same time. And while it may be primarily about a couple of gay guys from Canada, it has grown and developed into nothing short of an epic, with a cast that cuts across all strata of society. Doc and Raider started back in 1987 as a small, single-panel cartoon whose initial appearance was in a LGBT publication in Vancover. Unfortunately, the paper folded after the boys’ first appearance, but they were quickly snapped up by others across Canada — and subsequently in Europe, New Zealand, Japan, and the Middle East… but always viewing things from a distinctly Canadian point of view. Tackling such issues as HIV/AIDS and gay bashing as well as leather contests and life with cats, Doc and Raider has rarely been a strip to shy away from an issue and looks for humour and drama in the all the best places, whether political or pop-cultural or just about anything else.” (https://docandraider.com/about/)

Assigned Male by Sophie LaBelle: http://assignedmale.tumblr.com/post/98875387512/when-did-you-decide-to-be

“Assigned Male follows the daily life of Stephie, a young girl who is in fifth grade as of the first comic, and her friends, including Ciel, who is introduced in the first comic. Both of them are trans children — Stephie is a girl and Ciel eventually comes out as non-binary. Most of the characters who are introduced are queer, and the few non-queer characters show all the ignorance that any average non-queer child might. But they’re all more or less good. There are a bunch of loose plot-lines, including Stephie’s father adjusting to the idea that he has a daughter, and a trip to a trans and queer-friendly camp, which has some of the best characters, lines, and jokes. Aside from the loose plot, there are plenty of topical strips, including ones on the this year’s Trans Bathroom Panic, and the Orlando Pulse Club shooting.” (http://comicsalliance.com/assigned-male-reading-guide/)

Avalon, hosted on Keenspot, written and drawn by Josh Phillips: http://www.avalonhigh.com/d/19991108.html

“Sixteen-year-old Ceilidh (“Kay-Lee”) MacFarlene moves with her family to the fictional town of Avalon, Ontario, Canada from Ottawa. There, she starts Grade 11 at Avalon High School and becomes friends with six of the students there. She first meets Joseph Page and his best friend Alan Gunderson, then Ryan Aberdeen “The Geek To End All Geeks,” the bubbly Helène Richer who constantly chases Alan, Alison Montgomery, and Phoebe Bradley – who prefers to be called “Feeb” – with a constant dislike of men.This Slice of Life webcomic features their time together in and out of Avalon High School.” (https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Webcomic/Avalon)

Ménage à 3, created and drawn by “Giz” (Gisèle Lagacé), and co-written by Giz and “Dave Zero1” (David Lumsdon): www.menagea3.net 

“Ménage à 3 started on May 17, 2008. Ménage à 3 centers around the life of Gary, Montreal resident and (initially) 29-year-old virgin. Upon losing his old roommates Matt and Dillon at short notice (when they decide to become an official gay couple), Gary is desperate to find a couple of new roomies to pay the rent. Things change drastically for Gary when two girls, Zii and DiDi, suddenly start sharing his apartment. Zii, obviously perplexed by Gary’s (unwanted) purity, declares that her goal is to make him more confident and help him lose his virginity. But life proves full of distractions for all three of them, as other characters and objectives come and go through the story. The comic is a Roommate Com in Sex Comedy mode; hence it has a sitcom atmosphere overlaid with lewder-than-most jokes, with a touch of Slice of Life style at low-key moments. Almost all the main characters, males included, get their naked shots, and many of the storylines revolve around characters’ sexuality or relationships.” (https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Webcomic/MenageA3)

Penny & Aggie by Gisèle Lagacé (with Tim Campbell):http://www.pennyandaggie.com/pages/archives.html

“Penny & Aggie is a High School-centric Betty and Veronica pastiche with Les Yayand a healthy dose of that T Campbell (of Fans! fame) weirdness.The comic mainly focuses on the titular teenagers: Penny, a cross between Lovable Alpha Bitch and the Naïve Everygirl, and Aggie, a wanna-be activist who torments Penny for no particular reason aside from Penny being the most popular girl in school.Penny leads a life of affluence, stability, and popularity, while Aggie’s still recovering from the death of her mother and the concept of her widowed father possibly dating again. The comic grew to an extremely large cast, mostly consisting of Penny’s clique, Penny’s enemies, and later even Aggie’s own clique of weirdos and oddballs. The comic’s plot tends to revolve around how all these people mesh and conflict with each other in the savage jungle of high school. Plus a large amount of Ship Tease over whether the titular characters are also into each other.” (https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Webcomic/PennyAndAggie)

The Yuri Canon (Kat Williams): http://theyuricanon.tumblr.com/Myyuriprojects

“This is a list of my yuri projects from over the past 15 or so years now that are scattered all over the net, past and present. From my manga series to my novels to fan works, I’m dabbled in a lot over the years. Edit: Opps, forgot to mention that several of these might not sit well with everyone.” (http://theyuricanon.tumblr.com/Myyuriprojects); mature content that may be disturbing for some readers. Image from The Clockwork Clown and the Wind up Princess (Mik/Rin Negirora yuri tale)

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