

Crowdfunding Update

We have now raised over $3,400 for our crowdfunding campaign— and during the holiday season! This will go towards helping us achieve our goals. We are happy and encouraged to have received plenty of vocal support and positive feedback over the past month as well. As a result, we have decided to extend our crowdfunding campaign another month! You can still give someone the gift of a comics library membership and show support for the project! Membership begins when you…

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Future Shocks edited by Josh Burggraf

Newly catalogued! Zines, mini comics, science fiction, and more!

We’ve had plenty of amazing donations in the past couple of weeks, and are working on finding a permanent home for these comics! If you know of an accessible space (ideally 900 square feet or larger), or existing space open to partnering with us, please get in touch with us. Visit our online catalogue for more information on comics and co-creators! Click on the cover photos for individual summaries.

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First Annual Holiday Swap and Drop

Our next event will be the First Annual Canada Comics Open Library Holiday Swap & Drop at Glad Day Bookshop! Bring your comics to swap with the community or drop off for donation to the Canada Comics Open Library. Hang out with friends and family, talk & swap comics, or play fun drawing games. We’ll be running a ticketed swap table. Every comic you bring for swapping gets you a ticket for the swap table. No sampler comics please! Games…

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Website created and maintained by Rotem Diamant

Technical development & consultation by Brandon Haworth.

CCOL logo designed by Scott A. Ford.


Toronto Branch
Canada Comics Open Library
267 College St 2nd Floor
Toronto, ON
M5T 1R6

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