

Reading the Shelves: The Politics of Creating a Diverse Comics Library

This post is the script from our presentation at the 2nd Annual Conference of the Comics Studies Society COMICS/POLITICS on July 25th (Community Day), at Ryerson University. This paper was written and presented by Rotem Anna Diamant, in collaboration with Brandon Haworth. Librarianship is a radical act. It is radical and political because libraries not only house and retrieve information freely, but also serve as meeting places for broad communities, for the creation of and meditation on thoughts, and more…

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Building Resilience with Art

We are happy to announce an upcoming event on July 28th, from 4-6:30pm at the comics library, hosted by our July Resident Comics Creator, Bo Doodley! Building Resilience with Art “We will be exploring the use of art and comics as a tool to boost our personal well-being. Participants are invited to consider instances that have obstructed their abilities to create and share their stories and experiences. There will be a presentation, drawing exercises followed by a group discussion.” CCOL…

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Drinking at the Movies by Julia Wertz

Drinking at the Movies by Julia Wertz

        Drinking at the Movies is hilarious, irreverent and almost immediately charming. The book might seem like an innocuous compilation of comics from the cartoonist’s life, but Julia Wertz is a remarkably shrewd storyteller. More than once, you might find yourself reading a certain type of comic only for Wertz to shift the perspective just enough to see that the story is going elsewhere entirely. The book begins with a cross-country move to New York city, on…

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Website created and maintained by Rotem Diamant

Technical development & consultation by Brandon Haworth.

CCOL logo designed by Scott A. Ford.


Toronto Branch
Canada Comics Open Library
986 Bathurst Street
Toronto, ON
M5R 3G6

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