

Important update: we are moving!

We’ve been holding off on sharing this until our plans were finalized, but some important news about the Toronto comics library: As some of you may know, The Centre for Social Innovation (CSI) has had to close their Regent Park location permanently. We are incredibly sad to be leaving Regent Park, but very thankful for the time we’ve had there and the people we’ve met. We are happy to announce that we will be moving to CSI’s Annex location at…

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Event recording for Comics Out Loud #3

For those who weren’t able to make it to our third Comics Out Loud event, the recording of last Friday’s event is now up on our YouTube with captions added: On Friday March 12, 7PM EST, Canada Comics Open Library (CCOL) hosted our 3rd Comics Out Loud with artists Sven, Rachel Evangeline Chiong, Vincy Lim, and Rabeea Syed! Please note the content warnings before each reading. Artist bios: Sven (he/him) “is a cartoonist and illustrator, living and working in Toronto.…

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Comics Out Loud with Kimiko Tobimatsu, Keet Geniza, and Nadia Shammas

On March 26th at 7:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) join creators Kimiko Tobimatsu, Keet Geniza, and Nadia Shammas and for an evening of comics being read out loud and discussion about their work! Where?: Zoom, with info on how to join below. This event is free, with no need to register. We will be recording the event to publish it on our YouTube with captions as well. Artist bios: Nadia Shammas (she/her) “is an Arab-American comics writer originally…

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Comics Out Loud with Vincy Lim, Rabeea Syed, Sven, and Rachel Evangeline Chiong

We are so happy to share the next Comics Out Loud event: On March 12th at 7:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) join artists Sven, Rachel Evangeline Chiong, Vincy Lim, and Rabeea Syed for an evening of comics being read out loud and discussion about their work! Where?: Zoom, with info on how to join below! This event is free, with no need to register. We will be recording the event to publish it on our YouTube with captions…

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Website created and maintained by Rotem Diamant

Technical development & consultation by Brandon Haworth.

CCOL logo designed by Scott A. Ford.


Toronto Branch
Canada Comics Open Library
267 College St 2nd Floor
Toronto, ON
M5T 1R6

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