We are so happy to share the following event!

“On May 23rd at 7:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada), join Old Growth Press for the launch of our 2021 titles: Naturally by Saul Freedman-Lawson and Displacement by Wang Xulin! Hosted by Old Growth Press, Rotem Diamant, and the Canada Comics Open Library, we are presenting a night of readings followed by a Q&A with our artists.

Saul and Xulin will be reading from and discussing their new works, joined by two surprise guests!

Books are available for preorder now: https://www.oldgrowthpress.ca/store

Buy both for our special launch price of $25 here: https://www.oldgrowthpress.ca/preorder-2021-book-bundle

More about Saul: Saul Freedman-Lawson is a student and illustrator living and working in Toronto, Ontario. They write and draw about queerness, transness, Judaism, and childhood/childcare. Since finishing Naturally, they have continued to alter. The first entire full-length book they’ve illustrated, Special Topics In Being A Human by S. Bear Bergman, is forthcoming from Arsenal Pulp Press in fall of 2021.

More about Xulin: Wang Xulin is an award-winning illustrator and comic artist based in Toronto, raised in Alberta. Through her work, she tells personal and socially-conscious stories with a fresh and insightful style. She creates diverse and colourful imagery either digitally or with whatever paints she finds lying around.”

We hope you can join us!

Event info:

Click the link below to join the webinar!:

Other ways to join:Or One tap mobile :
US: +12532158782,,97999920900# or +13017158592,,97999920900#
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Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location):
US: +1 253 215 8782 or +1 301 715 8592 or +1 312 626 6799 or +1 346 248 7799 or +1 669 900 6833 or +1 929 436 2866
Webinar ID: 979 9992 0900
International numbers available: https://zoom.us/u/aBZFNgnPo

More info on ways to join the Zoom event, including using the Webinar ID to join in your web browser: https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/201362193-Joining-a-meeting

Event image description: Centered in the image, two people sit high up in a tree beneath the green tree canopy. White and pink-toned seagulls fly around and above them, one large seagull is in the foreground of the image, and they all fly towards the sky to the upper left of the figures. One of the figures is a light-skinned young person with long brown hair and wears colourful striped pants and a purple t-shirt; legs dangling from a comfy tree branch, they face the viewer and are speaking to the other figure who sits in the tree beside them in a nearby branch, slightly above. The other figure is a Black young person with short black hair wearing a white t-shirt and blue shorts; with their back to the viewer, the second figure sits nestled between two large branches. White text to the top right of the poster overlays part of the image and reads: Old Growth Press and the Canada Comics Open Library present Saul Freedman-Lawson & Wang Xulin.

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