We are thrilled to share this lovely event happening this Tuesday May 31st!

This Tuesday, join Lorena Torres Loaiza for an informal conversation and hangout all about the reasons we make comics!

Where?: Zoom, with info on how to join below.

This event is free, with no need to register. Live captioning will be provided.

Artist bio:

Lorena Torres Loaiza was born in Bogota, Colombia, and grew up in Canada. She works in comics, illustration, theatre design, and fiction, sometimes crossing artistic disciplines within a single project. All her work has a quirky visual style and some speculative or fantasy elements. She’s interested in flawed characters solving problems and hope as an active process.

Lorena has a Creative Writing certificate from the University of Toronto. Several of her short stories have been published in Syntax and Salt, AntipodeanSF, POMEgranate magazine, and the Toronto Comics: Yonge at Heart and Wayward Sisters comic anthologies. She has recently developed a comics-based art installation, with the support of the Theatre Centre exploration residency and the 2021 CAMINOS theatre festival.  Currently, she is exploring VR, miniature Lambe Lambe puppetry, and storytelling as new disciplines to combine with her existing skillset. She can be found @lorenatorresloaiza on Instagram or at lorenatorresloaiza.com.
Be sure to watch our instagram for updates on the residency as well as view Lorena’s Instagram take over this past month!

This residency program is produced with the support of the City of Toronto through the @torontoartscouncil

How to join:

Time: May 31, 2022 07:00 PM America/Toronto

To join Zoom event, just click the following link!

Meeting ID: 885 5037 7021

If you run into any trouble, please email Jordan Reg. Aelick: jordan@canadacomicsol.org

More info on ways to join the Zoom event, including using the Webinar ID to join in your web browser: https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/201362193-Joining-a-meeting


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