Event recording for Working in Indigenous Comics and Literature
Apologies for this delay, but we are SO happy to share with you this wonderful discussion back from the end of April! CCOL Comics Creator in Residence for April, Rhael McGregor, facilitated a discussion about being Indigenous and working in comics and literature, with guests Alice RL & Sonya Ballantyne. You can view the event below, or directly visit our YouTube channel! This residency program is produced with the support of the City of Toronto through the Toronto Arts Council
Notes for a Critique of the Political Economy of Alt-Comics – Sami Alwani’s Comic Book Creator Residency Blog Post
Notes for a Critique of the Political Economy of Alt-Comics In any industry, infrastructure has a tendency to stifle innovation. The more we invest in scaffolding a specific type of production, the more we are invested in continuing to produce a specific type of work. The film industry is a perfect example. Production budgets have skyrocketed in recent years and failure to secure a return on investment now constitutes a financial catastrophe. This has been hugely detrimental to indie film…