

Event poster featuring a cartoon character with two large ears drawing a comic of a scene they are observing of another character in the distance pushing a giant boulder up a mountain. A beautiful purple and pink sky colours the background.

Cartooning as potential energy, a workshop with Jordan Reg. Aelick

This Sunday 3:00-4:30pm EST, we will be presenting a talk about the potential energy that cartooning can create. How can the scrawling lines that we put on paper become more than shapes on a wrinkling sheet? Listen to CCOL member Jordan Reg. Aelick ramble on about his experiences attempting to do so! Live captioning available. We hope you can make it! To join: Canada Comics Open Library is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: Cartooning as Potential Energy…

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Vic’s Comic Picks!

Hey hey, Victor Martins here! I’m CCOL’s Comics-Creator-In-Residence for the month of August. It is the last day of August*, so here is some “me talking about some of the books I picked to display on CCOL’s shelf!” *Actually technically the first day of September, oops. Carpe Fin – Michael Yahgulanaas The thing I love the most about Michael Yahgulanaas’ work is how huge and rich and exciting the world feels in his stories. I have no idea how he…

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Hello Boyfriend collaboration panel event poster!

CCOL presents Hello Boyfriend in: Collaboration! C-collaboration?!

We are very happy to share the following event happening THIS Saturday: On Aug 21, 2021 06:30 PM Eastern Time, join Hello Boyfriend members Victor Martins, Jade Armstrong, Keelin Gorlewski, and Christine Wong! in a panel event: Collaboration! C-collaboration?! Featuring: “A slideshow! Hot Goss (maybe) Exclusive top-secret new project reveal!” We hope you can make it! You can find the work of Hello Boyfriend collective over here: https://helloboyfriend.itch.io/ Artist bios: “Victor Martins is a multiple-award-nominated cartoonist living and working in…

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A sneak peek at our new cozy space on the 4th floor of @csitoronto Annex! Lots of colourful comics on tall white shelves surrounded by light blue walls, with several larger comics displayed on top of the shelves along with framed artwork and a chalkboard sign that reads “Welcome to the comics library!”

CCOL Comics Creator Residency 2021-2022

We are so happy to announce that this year Canada Comics Open Library will again be hosting 5 paid cartoonist residencies at our library! Consideration will be given to comics writers/illustrators, pencilers, script writers, letterers, inkers, and editors who have produced meaningful and substantial bodies of work. Artists must have published more than 2 titles, or include samples of soon to be published work. We will also consider webcomics, such as comics serialized on Instagram or another website, as examples…

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Event recording up for Mini Comics Readings at TCAF!

on May 14th at 5pm EST, artists Robert Liu-Trujillo, Duachaka Her, and Nina Slykhuis-Landry, joined us for a live event of mini comics readings! Each artist performed a selection from their comics followed by a Q&A! Artist bios: Nina Drew is an artist who lives in Montreal with their partner Larry and hairless cat Vashti. Nina has been drawing and painting for basically their entire life, and is currently mailing out monthly art letters of mini zines to their Snail…

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Old Growth Press and the Canada Comics Open Library present Saul Freedman-Lawson and Wang Xulin!

We are so happy to share the following event! “On May 23rd at 7:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada), join Old Growth Press for the launch of our 2021 titles: Naturally by Saul Freedman-Lawson and Displacement by Wang Xulin! Hosted by Old Growth Press, Rotem Diamant, and the Canada Comics Open Library, we are presenting a night of readings followed by a Q&A with our artists. Saul and Xulin will be reading from and discussing their new works, joined…

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Mini Comics Readings TCAF event!

There’s so many great comics debuting and virtual events at the Toronto Comic Arts Festival this year, and we are so happy to be taking part! On May 14th at 5pm EST, Join artists Robert Liu-Trujillo, Duachaka Her, and Nina Slykhuis-Landry, for a live event of mini comics readings with the Canada Comics Open Library! Each artist will perform a selection from their comics and then there will be a Q&A with the audience. Stay tuned for more info about…

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Event recording for Comics Out Loud #5

 On Friday April 23rd at 7pm EST, Canada Comics Open Library (CCOL) hosted our 5th Comics Out Loud with Hello Boyfriend members Jade Armstrong, Keelin Gorlewski, Victor Martins, and Christine Wong! Artist bios: “Jade Armstrong is a cartoonist specializing in slice-of-life and humour. They like swimming, municipal politics, and long walks on the beach. Their middle-grade contemporary graphic novel, “Scout is Not A Band Kid” is set to release Spring 2022 from Random House Graphic.” Website: https://jelajade.com/ “Keelin is…

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OGP Banner

Submit to read your comic with Old Growth Press and the Canada Comics Open Library!

Submit to read your comic with Old Growth Press and the Canada Comics Open Library! Are you a LGBTQ2S+ and/or BIPOC comics creator with new or upcoming work? Old Growth Press will be launching two books on May 23rd and they’d love to have you read alongside them! This event will take place on the Canada Comics Open Library’s Zoom and will include live comics readings followed by a Q&A period. Each participant will have a suggested time limit of…

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Hello Boyfriend Comics Out Loud #5 poster

Comics Out Loud with Hello Boyfriend!

We are so happy to announce the 5th Comics Out Loud!: On Friday April 23rd at 7pm EST, join Hello Boyfriend members Jade Armstrong, Keelin Gorlewski, Victor Martins, and Christine Wong for an evening of comics being read out loud and discussion about their work! Where?: Zoom— with info on how to join below! This event is free, with no need to register. The event will have live automatic captions. We will be recording the event to publish it on…

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Website created and maintained by Rotem Diamant

Technical development & consultation by Brandon Haworth.

CCOL logo designed by Scott A. Ford.


Toronto Branch
Canada Comics Open Library
267 College St 2nd Floor
Toronto, ON
M5T 1R6

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