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Bibliography Information:
Material Type: Book
Collection: Comics
Call Number: US SPECFIC HAN2014
Title: Megahex
Remainder of title:
Personal name: Hanselmann, Simon
Statement of responsibility, etc.:
Show in OPAC: yes

Bibliography Copy Information:

Barcode # Description Status Status Dt Due Back
015985 checked in 2023-09-01 15:44:07

Additional Bibliographic Information:
Topical term or geographic name as entry element: Speculative Fiction
International Standard Book Number: 9781606997437
Name of publisher, distributor, etc.: Fantagraphics Books
Date of publication, distribution, etc.: 2014
Other physical details: hard cover
Summary, etc. note: Megg is a depressed, drug-addicted witch. Mogg is her black cat. Their friend, Owl, is an anthropomorphized owl. They hang out a lot with Werewolf Jones. This may sound like a pure stoner comedy, but it transcends the genre: these characters struggle unsuccessfully to come to grips with their depression, drug use, sexuality, poverty, lack of work, lack of ambition, and their complex feelings about each other in ways that have made Megg and Mogg sensations on Hanselmann's GirlMountain tumblr. This is the first collection of Hanselmann's work, freed from its cumbersome Internet prison, and sure to be one of the most talked about graphic novels of 2014, featuring all of the "classic" Megg and Mogg episodes from the past five years as well as over 70 pages of all-new material.
Expansion of summary note: USA, United States, American, watercolour, watercolor, drugs, witch, stoner culture, humor, humour, comedy, werewolf, maturity, depression, mental health, mental illness, poverty, relationships, sexuality, queer, LGBTQ+, anthropomorphic animals
Source of acquisition: Comics Studies Society Conference Comics/Politics
Method of acquisition: Donation
Date of acquisition: July, 2019
: ../pictures/megahex.jpg
: 29.99

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