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Bibliography Information:
Material Type: Book
Collection: Comics
Call Number: US EVFIC FRE2008
Title: Skitzy
Remainder of title:
Personal name: Freeman, Don
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Show in OPAC: yes

Bibliography Copy Information:

Barcode # Description Status Status Dt Due Back
015262 checked in 2022-07-12 18:15:07

Additional Bibliographic Information:
Topical term or geographic name as entry element: Everyday Fiction
International Standard Book Number: 9781897299586
Name of publisher, distributor, etc.: Drawn and Quarterly
Date of publication, distribution, etc.: 2008
Other physical details: Hardcover
Summary, etc. note: Published in the centennial year of Don Freeman's birth, Skitzy follows a day in the life of a man literally divided between life as an office worker and as an artist. Without the use of dialogue, his fluid and economical illustrations create an engrossing and fully believable environment, seducing the reader into a familiar world where expressive, gestural drawings explore the possibility of striking a perfect balance between work and play. Floyd W. Skitzafroid's wife worries that he is culture-starved and overworked, but she is only half right. Shortly after he leaves the house, Floyd splits into two: one a carefree artist, the other a grumpy worker with no time to spare. The contented Floyd quickly evades his morose counterpart in favor of a trip to his studio, sporting a broad grin throughout the day. But while this half paints and walks around pleasantly greeting those he meets, the other Floyd is confined to a desk, interacting only with paperwork, a looming boss and his own disrupting thoughts. When the two halves of Skitzafroid are reunited after the workday, an unexpected eye-opener gives Floyd the push he needs to find a solution that will allow him to enjoy his passions without compromising his financial freedom.
Expansion of summary note: Silent, picture book, black and white, humour, tableau, US, United States, American, office work, everyday life, artist, creativity, making art
Source of acquisition: Matthew Brown
Method of acquisition: Donation
Date of acquisition: May 2019
: ../pictures/SkitzyByDonFreeman.jpg
: 19.95

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