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Bibliography Information:
Material Type: Book
Collection: Comics
Call Number: IRE SPECFIC ENN2013
Title: Fury: My War Gone By Volume 2
Remainder of title:
Personal name: Ennis, Garth (writer) and Parlov, Gorlan (artist) and Loughridge, Lee (colour artist) and Steen, Rob (letterer)
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Bibliography Copy Information:

Barcode # Description Status Status Dt Due Back
015741 checked in 2022-12-29 19:03:21

Additional Bibliographic Information:
Topical term or geographic name as entry element: Speculative Fiction
International Standard Book Number: 9780785162308
Name of publisher, distributor, etc.: Marvel
Date of publication, distribution, etc.: 2013
Other physical details: softcover, paperback
Volume number/sequential designation: Volume 2
Summary, etc. note: Col. Nick Fury gets a dirty assignment that takes him to Vietnam...and Frank Castle, before he became the Punisher, is tasked to help. Fury must assassinate a Viet Cong general, but when he and Castle are captured in the heat of the war, what do the Viet Cong have in mind for these two POWs? And what is the real reason that Nick Fury was sent into the most dangerous place on earth? Then, Nick Fury comes face-to-face with Barracuda! Learn the origin of the fan-favorite Punisher villain, as Nick Fury arrives in Nicaragua to investigate a CIA operation involving Barracuda. But Barracuda doesn't much like being investigated, and what Fury finds puts the two on a deadly collision course.
Expansion of summary note: Irish, Ireland, violence, mature content, adult content, Northern Irish, war, spy, thriller
Source of acquisition: Beguiling
Method of acquisition: Donation
Date of acquisition: May, 2019
: ../pictures/FuryMyWarGoneByByGarthEnnis2.jpg
: 15

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