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Bibliography Information:
Material Type: Single Issues
Collection: Comics
Call Number: US KIDSEVFIC TOO1974
Title: Dennis the Menace Bonus Magazine Series #127
Remainder of title: Visits Paris: Vacation Fun Special
Personal name: Toole, Fred (writer) and Hill, Frank (artist) and Ketcham, Hank (creator)
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Bibliography Copy Information:

Barcode # Description Status Status Dt Due Back
016948 checked in 2023-07-07 14:57:39

Additional Bibliographic Information:
Topical term or geographic name as entry element: Kids Everyday Fiction
Name of publisher, distributor, etc.: Hallden Divison of Fawcett Comics
Date of publication, distribution, etc.: 1974
Other physical details: single issue, thin format, softcover
Volume number/sequential designation: Issue 127
Summary, etc. note: Dennis's family takes him to Paris, where they try to explain a thousand years of art and culture to him. His response to the Palace of Versailles is to wonder how long it would take to break all of its windows.
Expansion of summary note: American, United States, USA, 1970s, humor, humour, France, tourist, Napoleon, Versailles, Louvre, Sacre Coeur, Notre Dame, Eiffel Tower
Method of acquisition: Donation
Date of acquisition: August, 2019
: ../pictures/DennistheMenaceBonus127.jpg
: 12

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