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Bibliography Information:
Material Type: Book
Collection: Comics
Call Number: US HORROR SCH2021
Title: Did You Hear What Eddie Gein Done?
Remainder of title:
Personal name: Schechter, Harold (writer) and Powell, Eric (illustrator)
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Bibliography Copy Information:

Barcode # Description Status Status Dt Due Back
016903 checked in 2024-01-27 12:43:17

Additional Bibliographic Information:
Topical term or geographic name as entry element: Horror
International Standard Book Number: 9781949889048
Place of publication, distribution, etc.: Nashville, TN
Name of publisher, distributor, etc.: Albatross Funnybooks
Date of publication, distribution, etc.: December 2021
Extent: hardcover, graphic novel
Summary, etc. note: From the moment his unspeakable crimes were discovered in November 1957, the story of the Wisconsin ghoul Ed Gein gripped the world’s imagination with mythic power. Immortalized in the forms of Psycho’s Norman Bates, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre’s Leatherface and The Silence of the Lambs’ Buffalo Bill, the mild-mannered, Seemingly harmless farmer from the tiny town of Plainfield was more monstrously deranged than any of his make-believe avatars. Painstakingly researched and illustrated, Harold Schechter and Eric Powell’s true-crime graphic novel vividly captures the various worlds Gein inhabited: the grim, Gothic home that proved a breeding ground for madness; the heartland village whose inhabitants couldn’t have imagined the monster in their midst; and, most shocking of all, the grotesque inner realm of Gein’s psychotic fantasy life-an unholy brew of human sacrafice, sexual obsession and bizarre mother worship that drove him to commit some of the most appalling acts in the annals of American crime.
Expansion of summary note: horror, crime, dark
Method of acquisition: Donation
Date of acquisition: 2023
: ../pictures/Did You Hear What Eddie Gein Done - Harold Schechter.jpg
: 29.99

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