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Bibliography Information:
Material Type: Book
Collection: Comics
Call Number: US AUTOBIO STE2017
Title: Present
Remainder of title:
Personal name: Stein, Leslie
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014953 checked in 2022-05-19 18:24:33

Additional Bibliographic Information:
Topical term or geographic name as entry element: Autobiographical
International Standard Book Number: 9781770462946
Name of publisher, distributor, etc.: Drawn and Quarterly
Date of publication, distribution, etc.: 2017
Other physical details: hardcover
Summary, etc. note: A lyrical exploration of the city and memory, as drawn by a Vice cartoonist Leslie Stein takes us on a sinuous urban stroll divorced from destination, glimpsing New York City through her open eyes. While she is closing up a bar late at night, she is also an adolescent at a rave in the mountains, an adult grappling with her grandfather’s fading memory or at one of her first waitressing jobs. Stein is a master storyteller, an urban explorer, and a loyal guide through dark days and simple, blissful encounters. Stein’s curiosity about and generosity toward the world around her come through powerfully: each colorful story flows with vivid watercolors and delicate ink lines. Here, an autobiography is built through memories and moments tied together by loose lines, evoking a beautiful dreamlike yet endlessly relatable glimpse into the world of a thirty-something woman carving out a life for herself, one step at a time. Known for her acclaimed Eye of the Majestic Creature series, collected here are Stein’s serialized comics which have become a staple for the site, showcasing her storytelling abilities with a freer style. With an introduction and new material, Present will be a deluxe die-cut hardcover that is a meditation on memory. Stein asks us to take a moment to be here now, while acknowledging the other places and people we always carry with us.
Expansion of summary note: Brooklyn, New York, women, life narratives, slice of life, autobiography, memoir, diary, journal, memories, illness, aging, ageing, waitress, thoughts, USA, American, United States
Source of acquisition: Broken Pencil Magazine
Method of acquisition: Donation
Date of acquisition: November, 2018
: ../pictures/Present by Leslie Stein.jpg
: 24.95

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