
New Comics

Comics catalogued in 2023!

Here is a blog post listing new comics that have been catalogued in 2023 so far! We are currently working through a backlog of comics to catalogue. Come visit us and take these comics home to borrow! You can sign up for membership by contributing to our current crowdfunding campaign over here (full link: https://crowdfundr.com/CCOL-2023?ref=sh_8CInJ6_ab_6CKG7a ) Please visit our catalogue for more information about each comic and full creator credits!      

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Old Growth Press and the Canada Comics Open Library present Saul Freedman-Lawson and Wang Xulin!

We are so happy to share the following event! “On May 23rd at 7:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada), join Old Growth Press for the launch of our 2021 titles: Naturally by Saul Freedman-Lawson and Displacement by Wang Xulin! Hosted by Old Growth Press, Rotem Diamant, and the Canada Comics Open Library, we are presenting a night of readings followed by a Q&A with our artists. Saul and Xulin will be reading from and discussing their new works, joined…

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Mini Comics Readings TCAF event!

There’s so many great comics debuting and virtual events at the Toronto Comic Arts Festival this year, and we are so happy to be taking part! On May 14th at 5pm EST, Join artists Robert Liu-Trujillo, Duachaka Her, and Nina Slykhuis-Landry, for a live event of mini comics readings with the Canada Comics Open Library! Each artist will perform a selection from their comics and then there will be a Q&A with the audience. Stay tuned for more info about…

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Ebb Tide by Elliott G

Winter additions to the comics library

It has been a busy winter and we haven’t done an update post in a while, but check out recent donations and acquisitions from December to February below! You can also visit our online catalogue for more details about individual comics. We are now at 1437 comics— with many more to be catalogued! And in a few months, community members will be able to check comics out to take home 🙂

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November library additions!

Check out recent donations and acquisitions below! You can also visit our online catalogue for more details about individual comics. Click on titles below for more info in our catalogue! We are now at 1348 comics— with many more to be catalogued! Please help us get these (and more) amazing comics in circulation through our crowdfunding campaign for the next year: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/help-keep-the-comics-library-open#/

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Over 1000 comics!!!

We are excited to announce that we have over 1000 comics (and more to be catalogued!). Check out recent donations and acquisitions below, click on each cover image for a description of the comic, and visit our online catalogue for more details about individual comics. We have been overwhelmed (in the best way!) with amazing donations in the past year. Thank you to everyone who has dropped off comics for our Regent Park library, and to all Volunteer Librarians who…

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Almost 900 comics!

We have a few more comics to catch up on cataloguing, and we are nearly at 900 comics! Here are a few recent additions, all available to read at CCOL Wednesday to Sunday, 11am-6pm! on the third floor of CSI Regent Park @ 585 Dundas Street East! (you can also check our calendar for updated hours each week). Visit our online catalogue for more information on individual titles and a full list of creators. We are a completely volunteer-run space…

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The Fox Wife by Beatrice Deer

New comics ? ? ?

We now have over 750 comics! Here are several recent donations and purchases from the past month, with a focus on young adult and children’s literature, and some stunning adult fiction and autobiography. You can read these comics and hang out in our library space on the third floor of CSI Regent Park @ 585 Dundas Street East! Check our calendar for updated hours. We are generally open Wednesdays to Sundays, from 11am to 6pm. Click on each cover image…

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Website created and maintained by Rotem Diamant

Technical development & consultation by Brandon Haworth.

CCOL logo designed by Scott A. Ford.


Toronto Branch
Canada Comics Open Library
267 College St 2nd Floor
Toronto, ON
M5T 1R6

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