
Other Resources

Comics Databases

Queer Cartoonists Database
An amazing resource that spotlights marginalized comics creators. The Queer Cartoonists Database and the Cartoonists of Color Database were created/ are  currently maintained by cartoonist MariNaomi.



Queer Comics Database
Created by Aydin Kwan and Le Button as a Capstone project for the University of Washington’s iSchool program, with support from Geeks OUT.

Cartoonists of Color Database
An amazing resource that spotlights marginalized comics creators. The Cartoonists of Color Database and the Queer Cartoonists Database were created/ are currently maintained by cartoonist MariNaomi.

Canadian ComicBook Wiki
Fantastic wiki which aims to catalogue all independent comic books made by Canadians!

Canadian Cartoonists Database
A database for Canadian cartoonists working in various industries, from independent cartoonists and zinesters to inkers and letterers working on series abroad

Women Who Draw
"An open directory of female* professional illustrators, artists and cartoonists. *trans-inclusive and includes women, trans and gender non-conforming illustrators."

 OCAD U Zine Library
Database on Shared Shelf Commons


Comic Book DB
The Comic Book Database

GCD (Grand Comics Database)
International Database of Printed Comics

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Zine Resources

Toronto Zine Library


Queer Zine Archive Project

Arrow Archive

OCAD U Zine Library

We Make Zines
A welcoming online community for zine makers and readers

Broken Pencil Magazine
The Magazine of Zine Culture and the Independent Arts, founded in 1995 and based in Toronto, Canada.
List of zine distributors here


The Book of Zines: Readings from the Fringe
Great resource on zines with plenty of references, articles, interviews, zine info and history, and links about zines and e-zines.

A Reader's Guide to the Underground Press
Published by Zine World, with information compiled from Matt Holdaway’s A Student Guide to Zines and Alex Wrekk’s Stolen Sharpie Revolution.

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Canadian Comics and Zine Festivals

Festival of Zines and Underground Culture
Currently held in Toronto, Vancouver, Winnipeg (along with the Anarchist Bookfair) , and Calgary

TCAF: Toronto Comic Arts Festival
Every springtime at the Toronto Reference Library

VanCAF: Vancouver Comic Arts Festival

FBDM: Festival BD de Montréal (Montreal Comic Arts Festival)

Zine Dream: Small Press Art Fair

Prairie Comics Festival
Lovely comics festival that takes place at Winnipeg’s Millennium Library.

Indigenous Comic Con
Not in Canada, but looks awesome
(Abq,NM, Nov., 2018)

Toronto Queer Zine Fair
"Seeks to make space for traditionally marginalized voices in the zine community. "

Kazoo! Festival
"Supporting emerging musicians and building community by creating inclusive and diversely curated experiences that connect artists and audiences."

Panel One Comics Creators Festival
A festival that showcases Canadian cartoonists, and includes children's programming for families!

Toronto Asian Zine Fair
Created to provide Asian Artists a space to showcase their work and voice.

The Word On The Street:
Toronto Book and Magazine Festival
Not exclusively for comics, but nevertheless celebrates literature, literacy, and community, and features several Canadian comics publishers and cartoonists.

Canada Comic Con
Your key to access geeky fandom across the provinces

Fan Expo Canada
"The largest Comics, Sci-fi, Horror, Anime, and Gaming event in Canada and the 3rd largest Pop Culture event in North America."

Canadian Fan Cons
Schedule of various Canadian comic conventions and expos

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Physical Collections and Retail Community

 Toronto Public Library
Includes a great collection of comics that can be checked out! Browse here — or check out the selection in your local library's online catalogue!

The Beguiling
Toronto comics store and art gallery, well stocked with plenty of local comics and zines— and founders of The Toronto Comic Arts Festival (TCAF)!

The Merril Collection of Science Fiction, Speculation & Fantasy
Houses over 1400 graphic novels and includes  The Osborne Collection of Early Children's Book

Library and Archives Canada
Great comics resources can be found at Library and Archives Canada! Plenty of publicly accessible electronic resources as well.

Mazinbiige Indigenous Graphic Novel Collection
At University of Manitoba (Mazinbiige is an Anishinabe word meaning beautiful images and writing)

Thomas Fisher Rare Books Library
Comics, book-objects, artist books, and manuscripts— new and rare—  available to view by request.

Comic Art Museum Brussels
Library houses what is probably the biggest collection of comic strips in the world. The reading room contains a selection of over 3,000 albums, translated into over 36 languages.

The Schulz Library at the Center for Cartoon Studies (Vermont)
Contains a large selection of contemporary graphic novels, zines, student and faculty work, out-of-print and rare collections of gag cartoons and classic newspaper strips— and much more!

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Collectives and Comic Jams

Panel One
"A collective of comics creators, from all disciplines and all career stages, working together to put a spotlight on local, original work."

Graphic History Collective
GHC is a group of activists, artists, writers, and researchers passionate about comics, history and social change.

A non-profit comics organization based in British Columbia

Friendship Edition
Comics collective based in Toronto, Ontario

AriocarpOs Collective
Art collective that aims to create a healthy space for open conversation among different communities.

Love Love Hill
Collective of comic makers, self-publishing anthologies of comics, short stories, art zines, and minis

Call Out Comics
"Free, black and white newspaper featuring fierce work that challenges people, ideas, pet-peeves and/or attempts to hold someone/something accountable for their words/actions."


Canadian Comic Jams
A list of of jams (people getting together to draw comics!) by province
Icon made by member of Toronto Comics Jam: Robb Mirsky 

The Secret Shop
"A collective of friends from around the world and a variety of professional backgrounds, seeking to help and support one another to create and share our comics and stories!"

Akin Collective DIY Comics School
Meets the first Monday of every month with the goal of working together to provide a continuing comics education. Meetings take place in the Akin St. Clair Studio at 1747 St. Clair Avenue West. Open to everyone and anyone interested in creating comics!

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Women Write About Comics
"Eisner Award-nominated online journal that employs a diverse group of intersectional, international feminists to provide an equally diverse insight into the world of comic book culture and the comic book industry at large."

Comic Book Legal Defense Fund
A non-profit organization dedicated to protecting the First Amendment rights of the comics medium.

The Comics Studies Society (CSS)
"An interdisciplinary society open to all who share the goals of promoting the critical study of comics, improving comics teaching, and engaging in open and ongoing conversations about the comics world."

Digital Comics from the Toronto Public Library
A fantastic resource for print comics as well! Be sure to check out your local public library's online catalogue for comics!

Graphic Medicine
Explores the interface between the medium of Comics and the discourse of Medicine. Organizers of Comics and Medicine Conferences, creators of Graphic Medicine book series. Website includes blog, podcast, and comics reviews.

The Joe Shuster Awards
Canadian Comics Awards, News, & Links

Canadian Comic Book Publishers
A list of Canadian comics publishers with links to publisher websites!
(The Joe Shuster Awards)

Canadian Comic Book Retailers
List of Canadian retailers who sell comic books and manga, searchable by province and city, with links to retailer websites.
(The Joe Shuster Awards)

Canadian Self Publishers
List of links to Canadian comic creators who are producing their own comic books & zines.
Icon from Boredom Pays, comics by Jason Bradshaw
(The Joe Shuster Awards)

Canadian Cartoonists
List of cartoonists with links to websites
Icon image from Seth’s Dominion by Seth; video by Luc Chamberland
(The Joe Shuster Awards)

Canadian Web Comics
List of cartoonists with links to websites
Icon image from Kate Beaton's Hark a Vagrant
(The Joe Shuster Awards)

The Beguiling Library Services
If you are a librarian or educator thinking of integrating comics into your collection—  get in touch with Beguiling Library Services here!

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Website created and maintained by Rotem Diamant

Technical development & consultation by Brandon Haworth.

CCOL logo designed by Scott A. Ford.


Toronto Branch
Canada Comics Open Library
267 College St 2nd Floor
Toronto, ON
M5T 1R6

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