


November library additions!

Check out recent donations and acquisitions below! You can also visit our online catalogue for more details about individual comics. Click on titles below for more info in our catalogue! We are now at 1348 comics— with many more to be catalogued! Please help us get these (and more) amazing comics in circulation through our crowdfunding campaign for the next year: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/help-keep-the-comics-library-open#/

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Dakwakada Warriors ll by Cole Pauls

Indigenous Comics

This month, we are highlighting and celebrating Indigenous stories through our June library display, which will be up for National Indigenous History Month. We have also included resources below on Indigenous comics, including resources spotlighting Indigenous Creators, Indigenous-owned comics publishers as well as other Canadian publishers that focus on publishing Indigenous creators’ work. Please let us know if there are any comics resources you would recommend we add to this list, and visit us to read great comics by Indigenous…

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Over 500 comics!

We are very excited to announce that we now have over 500 comics in the collection! Here are a few recently added titles, all available at our upcoming launch event this Saturday 11-4 at The519! Many of these were donations, so thank you for sharing your comics! Click on the cover images for descriptions, or visit our online catalogue for more info on comics!  

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Website created and maintained by Rotem Diamant

Technical development & consultation by Brandon Haworth.

CCOL logo designed by Scott A. Ford.


Toronto Branch
Canada Comics Open Library
267 College St 2nd Floor
Toronto, ON
M5T 1R6

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