
science fiction

EKW’s Comic Picks!

Hi, folks — this is Eric Kostiuk Williams, Creator in Residence for January! I’ve had a great couple weeks becoming more familiar with the library, and getting a chance to curate one of its shelves with some of my favourite comics, pictured below. I’d like to zero in on a couple of these, and get more into what they mean to me! Gaylord Phoenix by Edie Fake: For many queers in my age bracket, the collected Gaylord Phoenix book was something really…

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LGBTQ+ Comics Resources

We hope everyone had a great Toronto pride weekend! To celebrate this month, we are showcasing comics in our collection about and by people from across the LGBTQ+ spectrum. (LGBTQ stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning/queer; the plus (+) refers to the spectrum of gender and sexuality.) We cover a wide range of stories from “slice-of-life” everyday fiction, speculative fiction, anthologies and zines, to non-fiction comics, biographies, and visual essays. We have also gathered resources on LGBTQ+ comics…

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Almost 900 comics!

We have a few more comics to catch up on cataloguing, and we are nearly at 900 comics! Here are a few recent additions, all available to read at CCOL Wednesday to Sunday, 11am-6pm! on the third floor of CSI Regent Park @ 585 Dundas Street East! (you can also check our calendar for updated hours each week). Visit our online catalogue for more information on individual titles and a full list of creators. We are a completely volunteer-run space…

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From cover of Amadioha #1 (Tobe Max Ezeogu and Kelechi Isaac Nwaogwugwu)

Spotlight on Comic Republic and the Nigerian Comics Industry

While I visited Nigeria this past Christmas, I was awed by how much the local arts and entertainment industry had grown. Nollywood keeps soaring to the second biggest movie industry in the world, and likewise the growth of the comics industry in Nigeria is remarkable. As a Nigerian secondary school student, the only Nigerian comics I knew about were the political cartoons in the newspapers, and Supa Strikas, a football (soccer) themed comic that soon lost its unique Nigerian identity…

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Future Shocks edited by Josh Burggraf

Newly catalogued! Zines, mini comics, science fiction, and more!

We’ve had plenty of amazing donations in the past couple of weeks, and are working on finding a permanent home for these comics! If you know of an accessible space (ideally 900 square feet or larger), or existing space open to partnering with us, please get in touch with us. Visit our online catalogue for more information on comics and co-creators! Click on the cover photos for individual summaries.

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Website created and maintained by Rotem Diamant

Technical development & consultation by Brandon Haworth.

CCOL logo designed by Scott A. Ford.


Toronto Branch
Canada Comics Open Library
267 College St 2nd Floor
Toronto, ON
M5T 1R6

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