
Become a Director

Please let us know if a position below is of interest to you! To apply: Fill out the form at the bottom of this page or contact us at info@canadacomicsol.org if you are interested in a role, tell us a bit about yourself, relevant experience, and why you’re interested in helping out. Please also attach a recent resume, CV, or include relevant information in your email.

We are a 100% volunteer-run organization and community library. These are all volunteer positions for now, including the President role, and will be tailored to what people have the capacity to contribute given these difficult limitations and difficult times we’re living in.

We are currently looking to fill the following open positions:


General Board Members (open)

  • Actively participates in meetings and/or events throughout the year in order to assist other executives.
  • Holds a vote.
  • Makes internal decisions including amendments, disciplinary actions, strategic planning, finances, projects, etc.
  • Appoints responsibilities to other executive members, if or when necessary.
  • Trains and advises the new executive members throughout the year.
  • Initial planning of seasonal, summer or annual events.

President (open)

Ro Diamant is the interim President and will be leaving their role when another President is found, though remaining a board member. Ro started working on the Canada Comics Open Library in 2017, with the goal of helping to make the comics medium more accessible and showcasing the work of creators living in Canada. They officially founded and launched the project in 2018 with the help of other board members and library volunteers, and have served as the President and Librarian since 2018.

Ro will be working with and training the incoming President on the following, although several of these tasks can be delegated to other board members, and Ro can continue with admin duties.

The President:

  • Acts as CCOL library director, responsible for library operations and logistics, regularly collaborating with Library Manager and other board members.
  • Serves as CCOL’s lead representative and act as a spokesperson for the organization.
  • Schedules the public and executive council meetings.
    • Setting up and leading board meetings (scheduling through Doodle poll or other methods); setting up the AGM each year. Creating meeting agendas, sending out the meeting minutes in collaboration with the Secretary.
  • Makes sure that all minimum executive council positions are filled, and work to fill empty positions.
  • Ensures appropriate and fair delegation of tasks among the executive council.
  • Is one of the signatories on CCOL’s bank accounts.
  • Steers the organization: Looking for and establishing community partnerships, sponsorships, etc.
  • Emails: Responding to the general CCOL email account: info@canadacomicsol.org (can delegate).
    • Sending out updates to library members through CCOL’s mailchimp (can delegate).
  • Long-term funding and fundraising strategies along with other board members.
  • Consults with the Library Manager and Volunteer Coordinator regularly to make sure library is running well and resolve library space conflicts.
  • Works with Treasurer to ensure receipts are updated in Wave and budget requirements are met.
  • Helps write/edit grant project proposals.
  • Ensures all club documentation is up to date and organized.
  • Makes sure all relevant documents are included and organized for board members to access in the CCOL Google Drive, and annual paperwork/forms are submitted.
  • Open Source software currently used: Slack, Asana, Sling, Wave (financial software used by Treasurer), Mailchimp, OpenBiblio, Google drive.
  • Annual organization admin duties:
    • Insurance is paid
    • Rent is paid each month
    • Domain/website hosting
    • Memberships
    • AGM requirements met
    • T2 Corporate Return (consult with Treasurer)
    • Annual Return filed with Corporations Canada


Volunteer Coordinator (on hold until we have a library reopening date)

Our wonderful Volunteer Coordinator Liana left her role this year to focus on other projects and a big move, and we are looking for a new Volunteer Coordinator.

  • The role involves coordinating shift schedules using the scheduling app Sling, as well as answering volunteer emails, questions, and solving scheduling conflicts.
  • This position involves approx. 2-5 hours of work per week, checking the volunteer email account daily, and answering emails in a timely manner when possible.
  • The Volunteer Coordinator is an Officer position in the organization.

Library Manager (closed)

Looking to gain management experience in a special collections library? Love comics, books, and libraries and have the experience to help us grow the library project?

  • The Comics Library Manager is a newer role that was created to assist the CCOL Librarian and President in running the library space. This volunteer role will involve helping with special projects and events, ensuring library supplies are stocked, assisting in planning for library improvements and growth, editing organization documents, and training new library volunteers.
  • The Library Manager will be trained on circulation and cataloguing, and will work with the Librarian, President, and the CCOL Events Coordinator. This role involves a time commitment of 3-6 hours per week.
  • The Library Manager is an Officer position in the organization.

Grants and Fundraising Officer (open)

We are looking for someone experienced in fundraising and outreach/work within the comics/arts community to help us fundraise to continue operating our library and organization in the coming years.

Since CCOL's memberships will always be free or PWYC (and our events free to the public), and since all of our grant funding is project-based right now, one of our biggest challenges is raising operating costs from year to year in order to pay for rent, insurance, and library supplies. In previous years, we held crowdfunding and fundraising campaigns, and we are also hoping to build our Patreon support. We are aiming to build up to operating grants in future years.

If you like what we're doing with the comics library, have experience in fundraising and working within the arts community, and believe that you can help us connect with people who would like to support our project, we would love to hear from you!

The Grants and Fundraiser Officer will:

  • Lead outreach to help raise funds for our organization.
  • Come up with fundraising opportunities and projects for the library and work with the board and volunteers to implement them.
  • Assist with grant applications, and grant research, writing, and editing.
  • The Grants and Fundraising role is an Officer position in the organization.

Events Coordinator (on hold)

Looking to gain Event Management experience and contribute event planning skills to a local non-profit? Love comics, books, and libraries and have the experience to help us grow the library project?

Our Events Coordinator left their role to focus on a new career role, and we are looking for a new Events Coordinator.

  • This role involves working with other directors to plan and successfully carry out events, such as collaborative art making events and workshops, live readings, comic zine releases, fundraising events, artist talks, and more.
  • Additionally, the Events Coordinator will propose inclusive events to Executive Council and Board Directors that will help the CCOL meet its mission and goals, working with a limited budget, time constraints, and other challenging factors.
  • The Event Coordinator may also help other collectives and artists use CCOL's Zoom account to host their own events.
  • The Events Coordinator is an Officer position in the organization.

For now, we are focusing on smaller scale events online, with an aim of at least 4-6 events per year. This position involves apx. 2-3 hours of work per week, and comfort with email communication.

Thank you for considering joining CCOL. We look forward to hearing from you!

If you are interested in being a Volunteer Librarian, please indicate your shift availability. Currently, our shift times are: 11am-1:30 (opening); 1:30-4; and 4-6 (closing), on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.


Website created and maintained by Rotem Diamant

Technical development & consultation by Brandon Haworth.

CCOL logo designed by Scott A. Ford.


Toronto Branch
Canada Comics Open Library
986 Bathurst Street
Toronto, ON
M5R 3G6

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